The capture was conveyed by the Intimidation Management Unit (TMU) of the nearby police division. On August 4, Robert Zildjian Mondragon was arrested following an extensive quest for the individual who was liable for vandalizing the commemorations that had been built to pay tribute to the casualties of the terrible shooting that had occurred at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.

A Florida man named Robert Mondragon was confined for purportedly unloading dead creatures on the Parkland Memorial. It is claimed that he discarded a dead raccoon, a dissected duck, and the cadaver of an opossum by putting them on a seat in the MSD Memorial Garden, which is situated in closeness to the secondary school.

The principal event occurred while an intersection watch at a school found a dead duck on a seat in the remembrance garden.

The seat was situated in the nursery. The next day, July 21, a similar safety officer tracked down a dead raccoon that had been left there on precisely the same seat. On July 31, ten days after the underlying revelation, a representative found the dead body of an opossum sitting on a similar seat.

These startling finds were associated somehow or another to a white Nissan vehicle that was displayed on a reconnaissance camera driving by the nursery. The camera had caught the vehicle as it cruised by. Over a few minutes, the recording shows a man approaching the commemoration, offering his appreciation, and afterward leaving the site.

At an inconvenient time on Sunday night, a BSO delegate relegated to the Parkland region found a white Nissan with dark edges or tires yet no hubcaps and pulled the vehicle over. As indicated by the observer, Mondragon was the proprietor of the vehicle and should have been visible sitting within it encompassed by blood, feathers, and a dead bird. The man, who was 29 years of age, was stood up to with the subject of why he had a dead bird in his vehicle.

At the point when posed a similar inquiry, the man answered by expressing that he partakes in the fragrance of metal and blood that radiates from the dead creature. From that point forward, his telephone was looked, and the outcomes prompted much more awful revelations.

These realities all highlight the arrangement of someone else who commits demonstrations of mass shooting. Notwithstanding one wrongdoing of disregarding a gamble insurance request, Mondragon was accused of three counts of eliminating a burial place or landmark, five demonstrations of brutality of probation for battery and disgusting openness, and one count of eliminating a burial chamber or landmark without consent.

Robert Mondragon is charged with disfiguring a monument.

Investigators say he also has a “disturbing fascination with mass school shootings.”@WPBF25News

— Ari Hait (@wpbf_ari) September 2, 2022

A hunt of Robert Mondragon’s violent auto, his photograph display and instant messages, as well as his web search history, have all driven toward an exceptionally dim heading, one of an expected mass shooter really taking shape.

The specialists likewise found instant messages that examined acts of mass violence, and his web search history was generally centered around points, for example, school shooters, a shooting that elaborate casualties, pipe bombs, how to get through steel entryways, and shoptalk terms for killing cops.