Murder by the Coast is another Netflix narrative about the death of Wanninkhof. In 1999, the 19-year-old was found killed in her old neighborhood of Mijas, Spain. All you require to think about the case is here.

Rocio Wanninkhof isn’t highlighted on Wikipedia. Wanninkhof, a 19-year-old Dutch-Spanish young lady, was killed close to her home on Spain’s Costa Del Sol. Rocio Wanninkhof’s edad was 19 years when she died.

She imparted a home to her Madre, Alicia Hornos, her sister, Rosa, and Alicia’s past sweetheart, Maria Dolores Vázquez, in the La Cortijera neighborhood of the coastline town of La Cala de Mijas, nearly 10 kilometers from Fuengirola. There is almost no data about her family that incorporates her padre, and her autopsia report was an amazement to the world.

In September 2000, a woman called Maria Dolores Vázquez was captured and blamed for Roco’s homicide. She had recently been involved with Roco’s mom, Alicia. Rocio Wanninkhof is highlighted in the Netflix narrative “Murder By The Coast.”

Netflix’s Spanish narrative uncovers who killed a young person on the Costa Del Sol – and it’s anything but the individual who the cops secured. Roco should meet her darling sometime thereafter at a celebration in Fuengirola, yet she won’t ever appear. The following morning, her mom Alicia found her little girl’s running shoes and blood spreads on a path close to their home. Roco’s body was found 30 kilometers down the coast close to Marbella on November second. She had been cut multiple times and manhandled, as indicated by reports.

Tony Alexander King, otherwise called Tony Bromwich, was condemned to life in jail in 2006 for killing his ex-kid. spouse’s For the assault and murder of 17-year-old Roco; he was condemned to an additional 19 years in prison. In 2001, he was likewise seen as liable of endeavored assault of a woman.