Rodney Robinson is one of those plunderers who was captured after the scene at San Fransico, Nordstrom store. He comes from Oakland who attacked the two specialists and pepper splashed on one of them.

There isn’t full insights concerning him in the web yet. The police is yet to give his subtleties. Nonetheless, the episode has stunned everybody. Individuals who were eating outside across the road said that they were stressed that the viciousness would spill to the eatery too.

There were 80 suspects and police said that it was an arranged occasion. There was additionally introductory calls going to the police division about vehicles driving carelessly nearby.

The police additionally said that they figured out how to stop one of the passage holding up vehicles and captured two individuals. They have not explained in case it was Rodney who was captured in such situation.

Two others have been captured following the plundering occurrence in Nordstrom store. The other two individuals are Dana Dawson and Joshua Underwood.

Dana who is 30 years of age was captured on doubt of weapon brutality. Witnesses have caught the video of individuals conveying packs and running away from the area on Facebook.

— Benjamín (@benji0ben) November 22, 2021

Police demonstrated that they may be arranging one more comparable heist too. There is no proof yet except for the authorities have cautioned the inhabitants and the organizations to be cautious and remain alert.

These sort of occurrence have occurred more than seven days. A Luois Vitton store in Oak Brook was plundered by 14 individuals and grabbed essentially $120,000 worth of products, shared Insider.