Jesus scored 95 targets in 236 appearances for City, winning eight critical awards all the while, but was commonly turned all through the side.

Since moving to Arsenal, the 25-year-old has shown extraordinary construction as a standard starter and had a quick hand in all of the four goals the Gunners scored against Leicester last week’s end.

Ronaldinho has truly cherished Jesus since the player did the change to English football from Brazilian club Palmeiras as a youngster. However, he has proposed the player didn’t get the astonishing opportunity to show his best in Manchester and will by and by do it for Arsenal in light of everything.

“Right when Gabriel joined Manchester City, I said he would continue to be maybe of the best player on earth,” Ronaldinho began, through the Mirror.

“Whenever he was permitted an open door, he showed what he had the option to do – yet at Manchester City he was never shown the love a player of his quality benefits.

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“At Arsenal he has been permitted the amazing chance to be the mark of intermingling, he has been shown the love by the guide and the fans, and at this point he is repaying that.

“This season I expect colossal things from him – he will repay the veneration showed in him by showing he isn’t just maybe of the best player in the Premier League yet also in Europe.”